A Tedious Quest For The Best Way To Deseed A Pomegranate

The months when pomegranates are in season are some of best available months of the year. When “theyre starting” proving up in the grow slouse, portraits of jeweled cheese pellets, elegant wintertime salads and bedazzled yogurtscome to mind, but first first “weve got to” get those glorious seeds out of the fruit’s tight hold.

There are many ways to crack into a pomegranate, each with their own pros and cons. We conclude, when it comes down to it, the best method for each individual genuinely depends on your temperament. Some channels are better for impatient sorts, others will merely operate with the OCD-leaning folks.

These are the most popular procedures, are proposed in no particular order. Extend with what experiences right simply make sure you get into a pomegranate( or twelve) this season.

1. The Quick And Dirty Method

This method which we detected from FoodBeast we like to think of as the quick and unclean, because that’s exactly what it is. It gets the seeds out quickly some allegation in simply three seconds but it will nearly insure a mess. You will get juice all over the place if you’re not scrupulous.

Here’s how it’s done 😛 TAGEND

First, you cut a pomegranate in half. Then…

Food Beast

…you whack it like crazy until all the seeds come out.

That’s right, whack it with the back of a wooden spoon or metal spatula until nothing is left but the hard surface and grey tissue. Read 😛 TAGEND

Food Beast

2. The Safe And Clean Method

If dirty is not really cool with you, there is a clean behavior to deseed a pomegranate. It’s so clean that it implies a container of liquid and there is absolutely no whacking. This method requires that you cut the top and bottom off the fruit, tally it down the sides and divide the pomegranate in half, like so:

Your Produce Guy

Once you have your pomegranate segments, submerge them into the container of liquid and free the seeds out of the fruit. The seeds should subside to the bottom, the grey tissue floats to the top and the juice simply blends in with the liquid. It should go something like this 😛 TAGEND

Your Produce Guy

3. The Super Meticulous Method

Another way to get pomegranate seeds without making a mess or use a container of liquid is to know how to carefully cut one open. If you do it just right, there should be no mess at all because no seed will be accidentally cut into.

First, cut a cone into the flower outcome of the fruit trying not to cut into the seeds.

Second, look at your pomegranate and you’ll see that there are ridges on it. This is where the pomegranate will naturally come apart without break-dance any seeds. Gently score along the ridge and then divulge it open.

Then you can easily ate the seeds right from the fruit or gently pry them away from the tissue and gather in a bowl.

Once you’ve successfully free-spoken the seeds, make sure you contribute them to everything you eat.