Bring One Of These Easy & Cheap Dishes To Friendsgiving Betches

Friendsgiving is the best parts of Thanksgiving without having to spend time with your funny extended relatives. Doing phony Thanksgiving aka Friendsgiving with simply friends means you can eat, drink, and have no one berate you about not being married yet. Unless your best friend are terrible, in which case, stop inviting them. The only part of Friendsgiving that suctions is that you and your best friend are responsible for paying for this elaborate meal < em> and you have to cook it all yourselves. So what can you bring to Friendsgiving that won’t cost you a fate, won’t take 7 hours to prepare, and is edible? We did some research on recipes that will make you appear domestic af.

Upgraded Comfort Side

Hopefully the friend who offered to host Friendsgiving will provide the turkey, leaving the rest of you to provide the best part of any Thanksgiving feast: the sides. If you’re short on time, you can totally do a speedy vegetable dish, but everyone knows the anchor of Thanksgiving is the comfort food. Since the host will be super busy, offer a staple surface food like cram, potatoes, or mac and cheese. None of these are expensive or time destroying to make and will be heavily appreciated by everyone. Instead of doing “the worlds largest” generic chest mingle you can find, upgrade it a little bit so you seem like this badass chef. Do a baked mac and cheese with dough shreds, or funeral potatoes( merely called that because in the South, they’re solace meat you bring to someone’s house after a death in the family. Don’t make it bizarre ).

Easy Dessert

If you’re really short on time, pick up a few pies from a bakery and call it quits. Or, if you know the host will be providing those, stimulate your favorite cookies or cinnamon rolls. You can never have enough dessert at these events. My favorite cookies in the world are butter cake cookies. They are always a crowd-pleaser. I almost killed my lactose-intolerant coworker because I unknowingly saw him a batch for crossing a few cases shiftings for me. He snacked them all in one sitting. He still claims it was worth it. I call them fat cookies because they are deplorable for you and I will eat all of them if I build them at home so I save them for special events exclusively. If you want to make a homemade pie, go ahead, but at least buy the crust because that sh* t is annoying to become from scratch.

Fall-Themed Cocktail

Much like dessert, “theres never” enough booze at an phenomenon with your best friend. Most people will be generated a bottle of wine, so if you don’t really feel like cooking, liquor up the masses by making a boozy red-hot cider or a fall themed sangria. You can even do apple cider mimosas, hot toddies, or pumpkin pie martinis. If you really want to be Pinterest-worthy, hollow out apples as your goblets and put in a little cinnamon stick as a garnish. They are so cute and clean up is just as easy as if you were apply solo cups.


If there is one thing I know about Thanksgiving, it’s that the food is never, ever ready on time. Uggghhh. There is little that can turn me from bubbly ex-sorority girl to Beelzebub in ends faster than expecting to eat and having it retarded. Cocktails are always an afterthought at radical contests, so if you want to do something quick, pick up cheese, crackers, and fig jam and make a cute little dish. You are also welcome to oblige dinner buns, cheesy pull-apart bread, goat cheese dip, pigs in a blanket, or a vegetable tray. Your emcee will be so grateful that hangry guests( me) aren’t breathing down her neck.

Images: constituent 5 digital/ Unsplash; giphy( 2 )

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